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Social Security Disability – Can I Win?

“Can I win?” Is the most frequent question that people call us with. We always tell clients, if you do everything we tell you to do, you have a 99% chance of winning your social security disability case (without lying or using any funny business).

There are certain things you must do to win your social security disability case. It’s funny, because we get lots of clients who have been turned down by the TV law firms. You see, the TV law firms only take the slam dunk cases (cases that will automatically win). Their winning percentage is high because they only take cases that will win for sure. We will take cases that other law firms have turned down as long as the person is willing to do what it takes to win their case. Our winning percentage is high, but probably not as high as the TV law firms. We will take cases that the TV law firms will not as long as the client is willing to do the things necessary to win their case.

Judge pet peeves. Do not call and say, “my doctor will write a letter that I’m disabled.” That does not work, and it can make the judge upset. Judges feel like only an attorney can determine whether someone is “disabled” under the social security rules. A doctor doesn’t have a law degree so there’s no way he/she can determine whether someone is disabled under social security’s rules. Plus, everyone knows that not all doctors are good doctors. There are doctors out there that will write a prescription for anything as long as the price is right.

So, if you’re willing to do anything to win, call us and we’ll go through with you the things that you’ll need to do to have a 99% chance of winning your case.

Call 586-228-3636 today to learn more about your approval odds.

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